Artificial Intelligence in
Management and
Science (AIMS) - 2024
USA, June 11th , 2024
AIMS - 2024
Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence in Management and Science (AIMS) - 2024
We are delighted to announce the upcoming international research conference, "Artificial Intelligence in Management and Science (AIMS) - 2024," dedicated to exploring the latest advancements, challenges, and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various fields. AIMS-2024 will provide a platform for researchers, academicians, industry experts, and practitioners from around the world to exchange ideas, share insights, and discuss the cutting-edge developments in the realm of AI.
Conference Details:
Date: June 11th, 2024
Venue: TBC
City: TBC
Country: United States of America
AIMS-2024 will encompass a broad spectrum of themes and tracks, reflecting the multifaceted nature of AI's impact on management and science. The conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, paper presentations, and workshops.
Themes include:
AI in Business and Management
AI for Scientific Discovery and Research
Ethical and Social Implications of AI
Natural Language Processing and Understanding
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Robotics and Automation
AI in Healthcare and Biotechnology
AI-driven Education and Training
Data Science and Predictive Analytics
AI in Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Conference Highlights:
Keynote Addresses: Renowned experts and thought leaders will share their insights into the current trends, challenges, and future prospects of AI.
Paper Presentations: Researchers will present their original contributions, fostering discussions and collaborations among peers.
Workshops: Hands-on workshops will provide attendees with practical skills and knowledge in various AI techniques and tools.
Panel Discussions: Engaging panel discussions will address critical topics related to AI's impact on society, economy, and academia.
Networking Opportunities: AIMS-2024 will offer ample networking opportunities, connecting professionals from academia, industry, and beyond.
Conference Chair:
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Rom Bin Tamjis, Former Dean, University Malaysia, Malaysia
Sr. Researcher, UTeM, Malaysia
Program Chair:
Prof. Dr. Valliappan Raju, Director of Research, Perdana University, Malaysia
Dissertation Supervisor, Arden University, Germany
Sr. Researcher, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Guest Editor for AIMS Proceedings
Dr. Rajesh Dey
- Scientific Committee, TIC. - GNS University, India
Prof. Peter Shepard
- Reviewing Member, AIMS - Director, Cambridge Academy, Oxford, UK
Prof. Dr. Kian Aun Law
- Plenary Session Chair, TIC - UTAR University, Malaysia
Dr. Zdenka Konecna
- Plenary Session Chair, TIC. - Brno Univ. of Technology,Czech Republic
Dr. Mohammad Haq
- Advisor, TIC. - Country Manager, WRU, Canada
Dr. Jennifer Adaletey
- Reviewing Member, TIC. - Ho Technical University, Ghana
Call for Papers
We invite researchers to submit their original research articles. All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process by our panel of experts in AI / Computing field. Since our focus is to gather researches related to AI in Management & Sciences, we shall be particular in accepting only AI related researches. Non-scope manuscripts will go for desk-rejection.
Please click the below link to get re-directed to our Submission portal. ONLY FULL PAPERS ARE ACCEPTED. Abstracts and paper titles will not be considered as partial-submission, but will be disqualified under incomplete-submission category
AIMS-2024 will encompass a broad spectrum of themes aligned with researches in a) Artificial Intelligence, b) Responsible Innovation, c) Computing, d) Big Data Analytics, reflecting the multifaceted nature of AI's impact on management and science. Following are streams that we look upon for AIMS-2024,
Topics include:
AI in Business and Management
AI for Scientific Discovery and Research
Ethical and Social Implications of AI
Natural Language Processing and Understanding
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Robotics and Automation
AI in Healthcare and Biotechnology
AI-driven Education and Training
Data Science and Predictive Analytics
AI in Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: April 6th, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: May 2nd, 2024
Registration: Registration opens on December 1st 2024. Secure your spot at AIMS-2024 to immerse yourself in the latest advancements and breakthroughs in AI.
Registration Fee to participate in AIMS-2024 is USD $450
Publication Fee will depend upon Journal's APC
Publications: All accepted papers by our Scientific Committee will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Proceedings will be indexed in top rated database. More information about this will be revealed once the organizers sign agreement with proceedings-publisher. Fee for publications will be between USD $100 - USD $850 depending upon proceedings-publisher's charges. Since the proceedings book will have only 500 pages, all submitted manuscripts shouldn't exceed 8 pages inclusive of references.
Submission Criteria: Since the organizers are planning to submit the papers in top rated proceedings, the documentation of all submissions are done as per requirement. Any submissions without proper enclosures, will not be accepted. The plagiarism has to be zero and similarity index has to be lesser than 12%. We will be using Turnitin tool to evaluate the similarity index. Pertaining to this the first source of similarity should not be more than 8% as this will ensure to avoid single source of dependency of literature.
Authors should ensure that the research should be aligned with Artificial Intelligence or Computing. Primary data collection is must unless the research discusses about measuring the trends in industry. The in-text citations are to be from a recent source and overall citations of 80% should be after 2018. This is to ensure the credibility of research. We will executing a blind review, that is, all manuscripts will be forwarded to our reviewers without the author names and affiliation, so that an unbiased review process is carried. Three reviewers will be allocated per submission. Reviewers will be given not more than 7 days to review the manuscript, therefore authors will be notified once we get the feedback. For any queries related to submissions please write to
Sponsorship and Exhibition
For organizations interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at AIMS-2024, please contact our sponsorship team at
Editorial Contact
For queries related to proceedings, publication process, reviewer policies, paper format, submissions etcetera please contact us at
Join us at Harvard University AIMS-2024 to be a part of this transformative journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence. Stay tuned for updates
We look forward to welcoming you to AIMS-2024 in the USA